It is a process in which a final outcome is derived by analysing the given data. A set of rules is specified as selection criteria. It is followed by qualification of the candidate. In selection procedure, two conditions are required these are; Primary Condition and Additional condition. In decision making, questions contain following − • Information about a candidate is provided. • Some conditions are there which a candidate has to fulfil in order to get selected for a particular job or post. • When a candidate fulfils many criteria except some, some different course of action has to be taken for him.

Logical Reasoning

Decision Making-Decision Making

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DecisionMaking  Aptitude basics, practice questions, answers andexplanations 
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Introduction: Decision-Making is a process in which a finaloutcome is derived by evaluating and analysing the given data.

The objective of “Decision making” is to reach a certainconclusion from the given information or a given set of conditions.


Exercise question:


Study the following information carefully and answer thequestions given below:

Following are the criteria required to be fulfilled, to gainadmission into any intermediate college in Andhra Pradesh (A.P):

a) The candidate should have scored at least 80% marks in SSC or70% marks in CBSE.
b) The candidate should have scored at least60% marks in the entrance exam.
c) The candidate should be a maleand be at least 16 years old, as on 1st June, 2000.
d) Thecandidate should be a resident of Andhra Pradesh (A.P.),i.e shouldhave been born and brought up in A.P.
In case a condition givenabove is not satisfied, an alternate condition for the same is givenas below:
e) If condition (d) is violated, but at least onerelative of the candidate is presently staying in Andhra Pradesh, forthe last 5 years, then the candidate can be admitted.
f) Ifcondition (b) or (c) is violated, but not both, and the student has agood sports record, then he/she should be advised to approach thePrincipal.
g) If both conditions (a) and (b) are violated, but thecandidate is ready to donate Rs. 1, 00,000 to the college, then headvised to approach the Secretary.

Now mark your answer as

1),if admission can be granted.
2),if admission cannot begranted.
3),if the Principal is to be approached.
4),if theSecretary of the school is to be approached.
5),if data isinadequate.
The following cases are given to you as on 1st June,2000.

1) Jahangir has applied for a college in A.P. He was born andbrought up in Kerala. He was born in 1980 and has an excellentpercentage of 95 in his SSC. He has done pretty well in the entrancetest scoring 65%, and has a close relative working in A.P. for thepast 10 years.

2) Rita was born in 1981 and has a very good academic record, with90% in her CBSE. She has done her entrance test well by scoring 80%,and she is a resident of AP, where the college is also situated. Sheis a very good sports person and has represented the state forbasketball.

3) Prakash is 17 years old and is a resident of A.P. where thecollege is located. He has scored 90% in the entrance test and 69% inSSC.

4) Ranga, a resident of state of A.P, is a gold medallist inswimming at National Games in the juniors category. He has appliedwith a percentage of 75% in the SSC, and a score of 55% in theentrance exam. The college is in the same locality as his residenceis. He was born on 16th July,1981. He is ready to give a donation ofRs.1,00,000.

5) Ram was born in 1980 and is a resident of A.P. He is thepresent TT Champion of India. He was presented a gold medal by thePresident of India in the National Games. He scored below 40% ofmarks in both SSC and the entrance exam. He is ready to give adonation upto Rs. 2 lakhs.

6) Rahim, applying for a college in the same state as he is in,has a bad academic record of 40% and 35% in CBSE and entrance examrespectively. He is able to pay a donation of Rs.1,00,000 to thecollege.


Qn No

Name of the candidate

(a)SSC 80% or CBSE 70%


exam 60%

(c)Age 16 years,male candidate

(c)Resident of A.P

























(a)and(b) violated





(a)and(b) violated





(c)& (d)unknown, (a)&(b) violated

1) In this case, condition (d) is violated, i.e. Jahangiris not a resident of A.P. Hence, his case is verified for thealternate condition (e). Since, a close relative of Jahangir has beenstaying in A.P. for the last 10 years (i.e. more than the required 5years),Jahangir is selected.


1),if admission can be granted. (Answer)
2),if admissioncannot be granted.
3),if the Principal is to be approached.
4),if the Secretary of the school is to be approached.
5),if data isinadequate.


2) In this case, condition (c) is violated, i.e. Rita is a female.Then the alternate condition (f) is applied. As Rita has a goodsports record (represented state in basketball),she should approachthe Principal.


1),if admission can be granted.
2),if admission cannot begranted.
3),if the Principal is to be approached.(Answer)
4),if the Secretary of the school is to be approached.
5),if data isinadequate.


3) In this case, condition (a) is violated. As there is noalternate condition given for violating condition (a) alone,admission cannot be granted to Prakash.


1),if admission can be granted.
2),if admission cannot begranted.(Answer)
3),if the Principal is to be approached.
4),if the Secretary of the school is to be approached.
5),if data isinadequate.


4) In this case, both the conditions (a) and (b) are violated.Then, Ranga’s case is verified for the alternate condition (g). AsRanga is ready to pay a donation of Rs.1,00,000, he should be advisedto approach the Secretary of the school.

1),if admission can be granted.
2),if admission cannot begranted.
3),if the Principal is to be approached.
4),if theSecretary of the school is to be approached.(Answer)
5),if datais inadequate.


5) In this case, both the conditions (a) & (b) areviolated. Hence, the alternate condition (g) is applied. As Ram isready to pay a donation of more than lakh. he should be toadvised to approach the Secretary of the school. 


1),if admission can be granted.
2),if admission cannot begranted.
3),if the Principal is to be approached.
4),if theSecretary of the school is to be approached.(Answer)
5),if datais inadequate.


6) In this case both the conditions (a) and (b) are violated inlieu of which the alternate condition (g) is satisfied (i.e. Rahimcan pay a donation of Rs.1,00,000). But, no information is availableto check conditions (c) and (d),hence we cannot take a decision asthe data is inadequate.

1),if admission can be granted.
2),if admission cannot begranted.
3),if the Principal is to be approached.
4),if theSecretary of the school is to be approached.
5),if data isinadequate.(Answer)

It is a process in which a final outcome is derived by analysing the given data. A set of rules is specified as selection criteria. It is followed by qualification of the candidate. In selection procedure, two conditions are required these are; Primary Condition and Additional condition. In decision making, questions contain following − • Information about a candidate is provided. • Some conditions are there which a candidate has to fulfil in order to get selected for a particular job or post. • When a candidate fulfils many criteria except some, some different course of action has to be taken for him. Freshersworld provides students or job seekers with questions and answers on decision making. It also provides tricks to solve questions on decision making with examples.