Infosys -HR Interview Questions

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These are the most common interview mistakes:

(a). Arriving late.

(b). Dressing wrong :  make powerfully positive. Dress right in a conservative suit, subdued colors, little jewelry (but real gold, or silver, or pearls),low heels (polished) and everything clean and neat.

(c). Play zombie : If you are nervous you can't smile and make the eye contact

(d). No smoking, no gum, no drinking.

(e). Research failure : Find out the company's products and services, annual sales, structure and other key information

(f). Can't articulate your own strengths and weaknesses.

(g). Winging the interview : Write out any answers you have difficulty with, and practice until your delivery is smooth (but not slick).

(h). Talk, Talk, Talk.  : interrupting the interviewer and answering to a simple question with a fifteen-minute reply

(i). Failure to connect you to the job offered.

(j). Not asking questions - and asking too many : Use your research to develop a set of questions that will tell you whether this is the job and the company for you.

(k). Bad-mouth anyone : You don't want to look like a complainer.

(l). Asking about compensation and /or benefits too soon.

(m). Failure to ask for the jobwhen the interview over, convey your interest in the job and ask what the next step is.


6 Killer Job Interview Tips for Freshers 


Following is an approximate narration of my HR interview with Infosys. 

Tell me about yourself?


Did you prepare for the interview? What did you prepare? (Question will be asked from What you prepared)?


Which courses have you enjoyed the most? The least? Why?


What are your short term goals?


why would you like to join our company?


What do you know about our company?

Ans: The WORST thing you can say is "Not much." or "Nothing."

RESEARCH the company first, whether you are applying at a Fortune 500 Company. Do a search online. Look at their website. Find out who they are, what they do and why you'd want to work there. The WORST thing you can do is showing up at an interview knowing nothing about the company!

Once you know about the company you can answer this question more easily (for example: "I've read about how this company's growth is on the rise and also how involved it is in the local community.")

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