HP Technical-Database programming questions with answers

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                                                   HP Placement Paper


HP Placement Paper Technical and programming questions with answers and HP previous years placement papers questions of aptitude technical and hr interview process and questions with answers

1. Which of the following about the following two Declaration is true
i) int *F()
ii) int (*F)()
a) Both are identical
b) The first is a correct declaration and the second is wrong
c) The first declaration is a function returning a Pointer to an Integer and the second is a pointer to function Returning int
d) Both are different ways of declaring pointer to a function
Answer: c

2. What are the values printed by the following program?
#define dprintf(expr) printf(#expr "=%d\n", expr)
int x=7;
int y=3;

a) #2 = 2 b) expr=2 c) x/y=2 d) none
Answer: c 

3. Which of the following is true of the following program?
main ()
char *c;
int *p;
c =(char *)malloc(100);
p=(int *)c;
Ans: The code functions properly releasing all the

4. Output of the following.
int i;
char *p;
p=(char *)i;
printf("%x %x\n",p,i);
Ans: 0X8A

5. Which of the following is not a ANSI C language keyword?
Ans: Function.

6. When an array is passed as parameter to a function, which of the following statement is correct
a) The function can change values in the original array
b) In C parameters are passed by value. The function cannot change the original value in the array
c) It results in compilation error when the function tries to access the elements in the array
d) Results in a run time error when the function tries to access the elements in the array
Answer: a

7. The type of the controlling expression of a switch statement cannot be of the type
a) Int 
b) Char 
c) Short 
d) Float 
e) None
Answer: d

8. What is the value of the expression (3^6) + (a^a)?
a) 3

b) 5

c) 6

d) a+18

e) None
Answer: b

9. What is the value assigned to the variable X if b is 7? X = b>8? b <<3: b>4? b>>1: b;
a) 7

b) 28

c) 3

d) 14

e) None
Ans: 3

10. Which is the output produced by the following program 
int n=2;
printf("%d %d\n", ++n, n*n);
a) 3, 6

b) 3, 4

c) 2, 4

d) cannot determine
Answer: b) 3,4

11. What is the output of the following program? 
int x= 0x65;
char x;

a) Compilation error 
b) 'A' 
c) 65 
d) Unidentified

12. What is the output of the following program?
int a=10;
int b=6;
printf("%d %d\n",a,b++);
a) 10, 6

b) 10, 7

c) 3, 6

d) 3, 7

e) none
Answer: d) 3,7

13. What can be said of the following program? 
main ()
enum Months {JAN =1,FEB,MAR,APR};
Months X = JAN;
printf("Jan is the first month");

a) Does not print anything
b) Prints: Jan is the first month
c) Generates compilation error
d) Results in runtime error
Answer: b 

14. What is the output of the following program?
char *src = "Hello World";
char dst[100];
strcpy(src, dst);
strcpy(char *dst,char *src)
while(*src) *dst++ = *src++;
a) "Hello World" 
d) NULL 
e) unidentified
Answer: d) NULL

15. What is the output of the following program?
int l=6;
{ default : l+=2;
case 4: l=4;
case 5: l++;
a) 8

b) 6

c) 5

d) 4

e) none
Answer: c) 5

16. What is the output of the following program?
int x=20;
int y=10;
printf("%d %d",y,x+2);
swap(int x,int y)
int temp;
temp =x;

a)10, 20

b) 20, 12

c) 22, 10

d)10, 22

Answer: d) 10, 22

17. What is the output of the following problem?
#define INC(X) X++
int X=4;
a) 4

b) 5

c) 6

d) compilation error

e) runtime error
Answer: d) compilation error

18. What can be said of the following?
struct Node {
char *word;
int count;
struct Node left;
struct Node right;

a) Incorrect definition
b) Structures cannot refer to other structure
c) Structures can refer to themselves. Hence the statement is OK
d) Structures can refer to maximum of one other structure
Answer :c)

19. What is the size of the following union?
Assume that the size of int =2, size of float =4 and size of char =1.
Union Tag{
int a;
flaot b;
char c;


a) 2

b) 4

c) 1

d) 7

20) What is the output of the following program? (has been used to indicate a space)
char s[]="Hello,.world";

a) Hello, World...
b)....Hello,. or
c) Hello,. or....
d) None of the above
