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DMRC JE (Electronics) Paper 2- General English Questions with Answers


I am Rajan Chaudhary from Bareilly. I am uploading the General English paper of DMRC-JE exam to help the forthcoming aspirants.I found that Paper-Ist was moderate level, but Paper IInd i.e. English was little bit tougher than level of exam. May be It would be vital because of huge no. of aspirants and few no. of seats.


Paper Type: Electronics-Communication-Engineering-ECE-Paper 2- General English
Test Location: New Delhi
Test Date: 21-09-2014


General English Questions


Directions(Question nos.1 to 8): Read the following passage carefully to answer these questions given below it. Certain words / phrases are printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.

Management is a set of processes that can keep a complicated system of people and technology running smoothly. The most important aspects of management include planning, budgeting, organizing, staffing, controlling and problem solving. Leadership is a set of processes that creates organizations in the first place or adapts them to significantly changing circumstances, Leadership defines what the future should look like, aligns people with that vision and inspires them to make it happen despite the obstacles. This distinction is absolutely crucial for our purpose here. Successful transformation is 70-90 percent leadership and only 10-30 management. Yet for historical reasons, many organizations today do not have much leadership. And almost everyone thinks about the problem here as one of managing change.

For most of this century, as we created thousands and thousands of large organizations for the first time in human history, we did not have enough good managers to keep all those bureaucracies functioning. So many companies and universities developed management programs and hundreds and thousands people were encouraged to learn management on the job. and they did. But people were taught little about leadership. To some degree, management was emphasized because it is easier to teach them leadership. But even more so management was the main item on the twentieth century agenda because that is what was needed. For every entrepreneur or business builder who was a leader, we needed hundreds of managers to run their ever-growing enterprises.
Unfortunately for us today, this emphasis on management has often been institutionalized in corporate cultures that discourage employees from learning how to lead. Ironically past success is usually the key ingredient in producing this outcome. The syndrome, as I have observed it on many occasions goes like this: success creates some degree of market dominance which in turn produces much growth. After a while keeping the ever larger organizations under control becomes primary challenge. So attention turns inward and managerial competences are nurtured. With a strong emphasis on management but not leadership, bureaucracy and an inward focus take over. But with the continued success the result mostly of market dominance, the problem often goes un-addressed and an unhealthy arrogance begins to evolve. All of these characteristics then make any transformation efforts much more difficult.
Arrogant mangers can over evaluate their current performance and competitive position, listen poorly and learn slowly. Inwardly focused employees can have difficulty seeing the very forces that present threats and opportunities. Bureaucratic cultures can smother those who want to respond shifting conditions. And the lack of leadership leaves no force inside these organizations to break out of the morass.


1. Which of the following is Not the characteristic of Bureaucratic culture?


(1) Managers listens poorly and learn slowly
(2) Managerial competences are nurtured
(3) Employees clearly sees the forces that present threats and opportunities
(4) Prevalence of unhealthy arrogance


Answer : Employees clearly sees the forces that present threats and opportunities


2. Which of the following is similar in meaning of the word “smother” as used in the passage?


(1) Suppress

(2) Encourage

(3) Instigate

(4) Criticize


Answer : Suppress


3. Which of the following characteristics help organizations in their transformation efforts?


(1) Emphasis on leadership but not management
(2) A strong and dogmatic culture
(3) Bureaucratic and inward looking approach
(4) Failing to acknowledge the value of customers and shareholders


Answer : Emphasis on leadership but not management


4. In the passage management is equated with:


(1) Organisation

(2) Leadership

(3) Organisational Vision

(4) Bureaucracy


Answer : Organisational Vision 


5. What according to author is leadership?


(1) Process which keeps system of people and technology running smoothly
(2) Planning the future and budgetary resources of the organizations
(3) Inspiring people to realize the vision
(4) Carrying out the crucial functions of management


Answer : Carrying out the crucial functions of management

6. Why, according to author a distinction between management and leadership is crucial?


(1) Leaders are reactive whereas managers are proactive
(2) Organizations are facing problems of not getting good managers
(3) Organizations are pursuing the strategy of status quo
(4) In today’s context organizations need leaders much more than managers in transforming them


Answer :  In today’s context organizations need leaders much more than managers in transforming them


7. Management education was emphasized in the management programs because


(1) Establishing direction was the main focus of organizations
(2) Motivating employees was thought to be done by managers
(3) Organizations wanted to create powerful guiding coalition.
(4) Management was the main item of agenda in organizations


Answer : Management was the main item of agenda in organizations


8. Why does the attention of large organizations turn inward?


(1) Their manager become arrogant

(2) They have to keep themselves under control

(3) Their success creates market dominance

(4) They want to project their predictability


Answer : They have to keep themselves under control

9. Fill in the blank with correct preposition.

Rita drove ……. a red light.:


(1) From

(2) Through

(3) In

(4) Among


Answer : Through

10. Given below is the sentence in active voice. Choose the correct sentence given in passive voice among the alternatives.


Ought you not to reveal the truth now?


(1) Ought the truth not to be revealed by you then?
(2) Ought the truth not to be revealed by you now?
(3) Should the truth need not be revealed by you then?
(4) Ought the truth need not be revealed by you now?


Answer : Ought the truth not to be revealed by you now?


11. Identify the incorrect sentence:


(1) It is he who came to see us.

(2) It is I who caught the thief.

(3) Suman is more good than brave.

(4) He is very stronger than I am.


Answer : He is very stronger than I am.


12. Identify the incorrect sentence:


(1) The first two chapters of the novel are dull.

(2) He was elected President of our society

(3) I am looking forward to receive your reply

(4) You and I must finish our work in time.


Answer :  I am looking forward to receive your reply


13. Fill in the gap with proper preposition:


He succeeded ____ perseverance and sheer hard work.


(1) By virtue of

(2) By dint of

(3) By means of

(4) By way of


Answer : By dint of


14. Identify the incorrect sentence:


(1) The patient had died before the doctor arrived.

(2) He behaves as if he was a king.

(3) Read regularly lest you should fail.

(4) Bread and butter makes a good breakfast.


Answer : He behaves as if he was a king.


15. Identify the correct sentence:


(1) Neither he nor his friends are reading.
(2) It is one of the important day in my life.
(3) A great many student has been declared successful.
(4) He not only comes for swimming but also for coaching of learners.


Answer : Neither he nor his friends are reading.


16. Given below are four substitutions for the underlined part. Choose the correct alternative to make the sentence grammatically correct.


Make haste lest you should not be caught in the storm:


(1) You should be

(2) You could be

(3) You might be

(4) Otherwise you can be


Answer : You should be

17. In the given alternatives, there are four sentences with underlined word. Identify the sentence with underlined word which is not an adverb:


(1) He is nearly sixty

(2) He gave me a lovely present

(3) He hardly works

(4) Suzy is quite beautiful


Answer : He gave me a lovely present


18. Identify the correct sentence:


(1) All the students of the class are friendly; they love each other.
(2) Each student must bring their books.
(3) Each of the seven boys in the class has finished his task.
(4) A few men are free from fault.


Answer : Each of the seven boys in the class has finished his task.


19. Fill in the gap with proper preposition:


There was no money ____ him.


(1) With

(2) On

(3) To

(4) About


Answer : On


20. Identify the correct sentence:


(1) Forty miles are a good distance.

(2) He was turned out to copy answers.

(3) The flowers smelt sweetly.

(4) I say my prayers in the morning.


Answer :  I say my prayers in the morning.


21. Fill in the gap suitably:

Measles ___ infectious.


(1) is

(2) are

(3) were

(4) are being


Answer :  is


22. Identify the incorrect plural:


(1) Swine

(2) Sheep

(3) Species

(4) Aircrafts


Answer : Aircrafts


23. Identify the incorrect sentence:


(1) They are having lunch.

(2) These grapes taste sour.

(3) He is having a cellular phone.

(4) I am thinking of going to Malaysia.


Answer : He is having a cellular phone.


24. Fill in the blank with correct preposition.


Butter is made ……… milk:


(1) Of

(2) From

(3) By

(4) Through


Answer : From


25. Select the correct meaning of the bold idioms and phrases out of the four choices given below:

He does not understand that he stands in his own light.


(1) Acts against his own interests

(2) Burnt himself

(3) To come in dark

(4) Ignore by others


Answer :  Acts against his own interests

26. Despite his injuries, he won the match fair and square.


(1) With tricks

(2) With an honest way

(3) Illegally

(4) Forcefully


Answer : With an honest way

27. Fill in the blank using the correct tense:


I ..... at five o’clock and ..... for two hours. After taking a bath, I ..... breakfast. Then, I ..... to school on my bike.


(1) Got up, studied, took, went

(2) Get up, will study, take, went

(3) Get up, study, will take, go

(4) Got up, will study, will take, will go


Answer : Got up, studied, took, went

28. Three sentences have been given. You have to find out the sentence in which an adverb modifies the meaning of another adverb:


1. Jalpa sings well
2. He speaks very fluently
3. This soap is delicately perfumed.


(1) 1

(2) 2

(3) 2 and 3

(4) 1 and 3


Answer : 2

29. Choose the correct synonym out of the four choices given:




(1) Stunt

(2) To sparkle

(3) Gloomy

(4) Glorify


Answer : Stunt

30. Some words are used sometimes as adjectives, sometimes as adverbs. Four sentences have been given where in three sentences are containing words being used as adjectives and one sentence contains word being used as adverb. Identify the odd one:


(1) He knows me better than you.

(2) Rama is our fast bowler

(3) He is the only child of his parents.

(4) The teacher has a high opinion of that boy.


Answer : He knows me better than you.


31. Choose the correct synonym out of the four choices given:




(1) Sabotage

(2) Perpetuated

(3) Incense

(4) Scornful


Answer :  Scornful

32. Combine each of the following sentence by using an Adverb Clause.

He was quite tired. He could scarcely stand.


(1) He was tired and he could not stand.

(2) He could scarcely stand because he was quite tired.

(3) Being tired he could scarcely stand.

(4) On account of being tired he could scarcely stand.


Answer : He could scarcely stand because he was quite tired.


33. Identify the correct sentence:


(1) I dislike to see a film late in the night.

(2) I can reproduce this lesson word by word

(3) An Europian lives in my area.

(4) The higher we go, the cooler we feel


Answer : The higher we go, the cooler we feel


34. Identify the incorrect plural:


(1) Thieves

(2) Halves

(3) Mice

(4) Daughter-in-laws


Answer : Daughter-in-laws


35. Given below are the words with different spellings. Select the one which you consider to be correctly spelled:


(1) Paraphernalia

(2) Paraphrenalia

(3) Parapherenalia

(4) Paraphrennalia


Answer : Paraphernalia


36. Choose the correct synonym out of the four choices given:



(1) Captivating

(2) Enthusiasm

(3) Instigate

(4) Utopian


Answer : Captivating


37. Choose the correct synonym out of the four choices given:




(1) Prerogative

(2) Fluke

(3) Debauched

(4) Sordid


Answer : Fluke

38. In the following question, a word is given in capital letters followed by four words. Choose the word that is nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.



(1) Lavish

(2) Parsimonious

(3) Meticulous

(4) Polite


Answer : Lavish


39. In the following question, a word is given in capital letters followed by four words. Choose the word that is nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.




(1) Agonising

(2) Apetising

(3) Distasteful

(4) Laborious


Answer : Distasteful


40. In the following question, a word is given in capital letters followed by four words. Choose the word that is nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.




(1) Serene

(2) Tumultuous

(3) Brazen

(4) Opaque


Answer : Serene

41. This question consists of an idiom followed by four alternative words or phrases giving the possible meaning of idiom. Select the alternative which gives closest meaning of the idiom.

To eat crow:


(1) To become a non vegetarian

(2) To quieten down

(3) Made to feel small

(4) To swallow one’s own word


Answer : To swallow one’s own word


42. This question consists of an idiom followed by four alternative words or phrases giving the possible meaning of idiom. Select the alternative which gives closest meaning of the idiom.

Feathering one’s nest


(1) Enriching oneself at the expense of public
(2) Buying insurance in time
(3) Taking adequate precaution against danger
(4) Making a new home


Answer : Enriching oneself at the expense of public


43. A Group of flies is a .......:


(1) Flock

(2) Swarm

(3) Gaggle

(4) Nest


Answer : Swarm


44. In the following question, the sentence has a blank space and four words are given after the sentence. Choose the word from alternative that you consider most appropriate for the blank space.


He was so ................ in the music that he did not hear the door open :


(1) Embroiled

(2) Engrossed

(3) Engaged

(4) Amused


Answer : Engrossed


45. In the following question, the sentence has a blank space and four words are given after the sentence. Choose the word from alternative that you consider most appropriate for the blank space.

The television station was ............. with letters and phone calls after the announcement:

(1) Drowned

(2) Stormed

(3) Absorbed

(4) Deluged


Answer : Deluged

46. Change into passive voice.


The boys were playing cricket.


(1) Cricket was being played by the boys.

(2) Cricket was played by the boys.

(3) Cricket will have been played by the boys.

(4) The cricket being played by the boys.


Answer : Cricket was being played by the boys.


47. In the following question, identify the correct reported speech from the given alternatives.

He said, “ I must go home at once.”:


(1) He said that he must have gone home at once.

(2) He said that he must go home then and there.

(3) He said that he had to go home then

(4) He said that he had to go home at once


Answer : He said that he had to go home at once


48. In the following question, identify the correct reported speech from the given alternatives.

She said , “oh dear! I have just missed the bus .”:


(1) She regretted that she just missed the bus.
(2) She said with regret that she had just missed the bus.
(3) She exclaimed that she has just missed the bus.
(4) She narrated that she just missed the bus.


Answer :  She said with regret that she had just missed the bus.


49. Which of phrases given below in each sentence should replace the phrase in Underlined to make the sentence grammatically correct?


Why did you not threw the bag away?


(1) did you not throw

(2) had you not threw

(3) did you not thrown

(4) you did not thrown


Answer :  did you not throw

50. Find out the sentence in Passive Voice


(1) The judge convicted the culprit for his offence
(2) The culprit apologised to the judge for his offence
(3) The judge scolded the culprit for his offence
(4) The culprit was punished for his offence by the judge


Answer : The culprit was punished for his offence by the judge

51. Mark the appropriate words to fill in the blanks.


God helps those ………….. help themselves.


(1) Who

(2) Which

(3) That

(4) Whom


Answer :  Who

52. Identify the complex sentence among the followings:


(1) The mother tiger saw her cubs.
(2) The mother tiger saw her cubs and she became happy
(3) When the mother tiger saw her cubs, she became happy
(4) Both (2) & (3) above


Answer : When the mother tiger saw her cubs, she became happy


53. Identify the correct tense which has been used in this sentence.


By the end of this year he will have saved a lot of money.


(1) Future continuous tense
(2) Future perfect tense
(3) Future perfect continuous tense
(4) Simple future tense


Answer :  Future perfect tense


54. In the following options, identify the sentence with interrogative adverb of manner:


(1) How did you contrive it?
(2) Where is Ram?
(3) When did you come?
(4) How many boys are there in your class?


Answer :  How did you contrive it?


55. Identify the kind of conjunction in the following sentence:


His bark is worst than his bite.


(1) Copulative coordinating conjunction
(2) Disjunctive Coordinating Conjunction
(3) Subordinating Conjunction
(4) Illative coordinating conjunction


Answer : Subordinating Conjunction


56. Select the word choice that gives the meaning of the sentence or phrase.


A student who absents himself from the class without permission:


(1) Censorious

(2) Vagabond

(3) Reticent

(4) Truant


Answer : Truant


57. Select the word choice that gives the meaning of the sentence or phrase.


A person who does not speak much:


(1) Candid

(2) Outspoken

(3) Reticent

(4) Defiant


Answer : Reticent


58. Select the word choice that gives the meaning of the sentence or phrase.


Anything of little value:


(1) Travail

(2) Primitive

(3) Trivial

(4) Trammels


Answer : Trivial


59. In following question, four spellings are given for a word. Pick the right choice which has the correct spelling.


(1) Fiasco

(2) Faisco

(3) Fiasoco

(4) Faisiaco


Answer :  Fiasco


60. In following question, four spellings are given for a word. Pick the right choice which has the correct spelling.


(1) Courageus

(2) Couragious

(3) Courageous

(4) Couragous


Answer : Courageous
