DMRC Aptitude-General

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DMRC JE (Electronics) Paper 1- Aptitude Questions with Answers


I am Rajan Chaudhary from Bareilly. I am uploading the Aptitude paper of DMRC-JE exam to help the forthcoming aspirants. 

Paper Type: Electronics-Communication-Engineering-ECE-Paper1- Aptitude
Test Location: New Delhi
Test Date: 21-09-2014

Aptitude Questions With Answers


DIRECTIONS(Question No.1 to 3): Study the following information and answer the questions given below it.


A blacksmith has five iron articles M, N, O, P and Q each having a different weight.

• M weighs twice as much as N.
• N weighs four and a half times as much as O.
• O weighs half as much as P.
• P weighs half as much as Q.
• Q weighs less than M but more than O.


1. What of the following is the lightest in weight?


(1) M

(2) N
(3) P

(4) O


Answer : O

2. Q is lighter in weight than which of the other two articles:


(1) M, P

(2) M, N
(3) O, M

(4) None of these


Answer : M, N


3. Which of the following articles is the heaviest in weight?


(1) N

(2) O
(3) M

(4) Q


Answer : M

4. The difference between the simple and compound interest on a certain sum for 3 years at 10% p.a. is ` 46.5, then which of the following is the sum?


(1) Rs 1600

(2) Rs 1500
(3) Rs 1700

(4) Rs 1800

Answer : Rs 1500

5. By selling 18 chocolates, a vendor loses the selling price of 2 chocolates. Find his loss percent:


(1) 8%

(2) 12%
(3) 15%

(4) 10%


Answer : 10%

6. The length, breadth and height of a room in the shape of a cuboid is increased by 10%, 20% and 50% respectively. Find the percentage change in the volume of the cuboid:


(1) 65%

(2) 75%
(3) 85%

(4) None of these


Answer : 75%

7. Keshav is travelling by car at the rate of 40 km/h. After 80 km he rests for 20 minutes. How long will he take to cover a distance of 240 km:


(1) 6 hours 50 minutes

(2) 6 hours 40 minutes
(3) 7 hours

(4) 7 hours 20 minutes


Answer : 6 hours 40 minutes

8. A job has to be completed by 12 boys in 15 days. If three boys are absent from the first day, then by what percentage should the remaining boys increase their rate of working to complete the job?


(1) 22 1/3 %

(2) 22 1/2 %

(3) 33 1/3 %

(4) None of these


9. The income of Anil, Firoz and Ketan are in the ratio 7:9:12 and their spending are in the ratio 8:9:15. If Anil saves 1/4 of his income, then the saving of Anil, Firoz and Ketan are in the ratio:

(1) 59:99:69

(2) 56:99:69
(3) 56:96:69

(4) None of these


Answer : 56:99:69


10. Ramesh started a business with a capital of ` 2100. After 4 months he admitted another partner Sujeet. What amount should Sujeet put in, So that the profit may be divided equally at the end of the year?

(1) Rs 3750

(2) Rs 3350
(3) Rs 3150

(4) None of these


Answer :  Rs 3150 

11. Pointing to a photograph of a boy Lokesh said, “He is the son of the only son of my mother”. How is Lokesh related to the boy?

(1) Uncle

(2) Father
(3) Grand father

(4) Brother


Answer : Father


12. If ‘dog’ is ‘cat’, ‘cat’ is ‘rat’, ‘rat’ is ‘mat’, ‘mat’ is ‘cow’, then which one of the following is not an animal?

(1) Mat

(2) Dog
(3) Rat

(4) Cow


Answer : Cow

13. Complete the series by choosing the correct option.

(1) KLMA

(2) KLLA
(3) KMLA

(4) LKLA


Answer :  KLLA


14. In some cars, there is the warning on external rear view mirrors “Objects are closer than they appear in mirror”. What type of mirrors are used in such cases?

(1) Plane;

(2) Convex;
(3) Concave;

(4) None of these.


Answer : Concave

15. Equinox is the position when sub solar point fall’s on:


(1) Equator

(2) Cancer
(3) Capricorn

(4) Pole


Answer : Equator

16. The super computer of India Param Yuva–II has been developed by:


(1) Tata Consultancy Services
(2) Center for Development of Advanced Computing
(3) Reliance Info Comm.
(4) National Informatics Center

Answer : Tata Consultancy Services

17. Which one is not an epic?


(1) Beowulf

(2) Illiad
(3) Ramayana

(4) Canterbury Tales


Answer : Canterbury Tales

18. In history, the name of prince Khurram, came to be known as:


(1) Jahangir

(2) Shahjahan
(3) Aurangzeb

(4) Akbar


Answer : Shahjahan

19. Public Accounts Committee is constituted ......... year and it consists of not more than ......... members consisting of ......... members elected by Lok Sabha and not more than ......... members from Rajya Sabha. ......... was appointed the chairman of Public Accounts Committee recently:


(1) Every, 22, 15, 7, K.V. Thomas
(2) Every fifth, 18, 13, 5, M.M. Joshi
(3) Every second, 25, 18, 7, L.K. Advani
(4) Every, 20, 15, 5, Arun Jaitley


Answer : Every, 22, 15, 7, K.V. Thomas

20. Identify among the following the Chinese investigating Journalist who was awarded the prestigious ‘Ramon Magsaysay Awards for 2014:


(1) Saur Marlina Manurang

(2) Wang Canfa
(3) Hu Shuli

(4) Fu Qiping


Answer : Hu Shuli

21. This is a ground penetrating radar and will provide centimeter scale resolution of the geologic structure of the subsurface. This is among the seven selected payloads that will be sent to Mars 2020 rover mission:

(1) MEDA




Answer :  RIMFAX

22. “Vistar” is the brand name of:


(1) Newly launched 4G mobile phone
(2) Newly launched Airlines
(3) Newly launched Housing Scheme by Union Govt. for BPL families
(4) Newly launched Health Awareness Scheme by Govt. of India


Answer : Newly launched Airlines


23. The film, ‘Bhaag Milkha Bhaag’, based on the life of Milkha Singh, an ace runner, was directed by the same person who directed


(1) The Bandit Queen

(2) Pan Singh Tomar
(3) Rang De Basanti

(4) Lagaan

Answer : Rang De Basanti 

24. Identify the wrong match:


(1) Haldia Port : West Bengal
(2) Tuticorin Port : Tamilnadu
(3) Kandla Port : Gujarat
(4) Paradip Port : Andhra Pradesh


Answer : Paradip Port : Andhra Pradesh

25. Sanskrit Granth ‘Hitopedesh’ was written by:


(1) Chaitanya

(2) Narayan Pandit
(3) Kalidas

(4) None of these


Answer : Narayan Pandit

26. 15 Children are standing in a row facing North. Ravi is to the immediate left of Prabha and is 8th from the left end. Arjun is second from the right end. Which of the following statements is not ture?


(1) Prabha is 7th from the right end
(2) There are four children between Prabha and Arjun
(3) There are five children between Ravi and Arjun
(4) Arjun is 13th from the left end


Answer : Arjun is 13th from the left end


27. The proposals for the partition of India and Pakistan were contained in the:


(1) Cripps Mission Proposals
(2) Cabinet Mission Proposals
(3) Mountbatten Plan of 3rd June 1947
(4) None of the above


Answer : Mountbatten Plan of 3rd June 1947

28. A card is drawn from a pack of well shuffled deck of 52 cards and its probability is 1/4 then which of the following is possible:


(1) Getting a “card of hearts”

(2) Getting a black card
(3) Getting a Jack

(4) None of these


Answer : Getting a “card of hearts” 

29. A candidate for election to the Rajya Sabha must be not less than:


(1) 35 Years of age

(2) 25 Years of age
(3) 30 Years of age

(4) 40 Years of age


Answer :? 30 Years of age

30. Curie point is a temperature at which:


(1) Matter becomes radio active
(2) A magnetic material undergo a sharp change in their magnetic properties
(3) A metal loses conductivity
(4) Transmutation of metal occurs


Answer : A magnetic material undergo a sharp change in their magnetic properties

31. Gross National Product (GNP) of a country is sum of the market value of all goods and services produced in a year:

(1) Plus export Earnings
(2) Plus Market value of imports
(3) Minus foreign aid
(4) Plus net income from abroad


Answer : Plus net income from abroad

32. 60% of the students in a school are boys. If the number of girls in the school is 300, then the number of boys is:


(1) 500

(2) 300
(3) 450

(4) 750


Answer :  450

33. It is required to get 40% marks to pass an exam. A candidate scored 200 marks and failed by 8 marks. What were the maximum marks of that exam:


(1) 530

(2) 540
(3) 520

(4) None of these


Answer : 520 

34. In a division sum, a student took 63 as divisor instead of 36. His answer was 24. The correct answer is:


(1) 36

(2) 42
(3) 32

(4) None of these


Answer :  42

35. The perimeter of an isosceles triangle is 42 cm and its base is 1.5 times each of the equal sides. Find the length of each side of triangle:


(1) 12 cm, 12 cm, 18 cm

(2) 6 cm, 6 cm, 9 cm
(3) 18 cm, 18 cm, 24 cm

(4) None of these


Answer : 12 cm, 12 cm, 18 cm 

36. A quadrilateral with a pair of opposite sides parallel is called:


(1) Parallelogram

(2) Trapezium
(3) Polygon

(4) None of these


Answer : Trapezium

37. Find the total surface area of a cylinder having radius of the base 14 cm and height 30 cm.


(1) 3872 cm2

(2) 4872 cm2
(3) 3782 cm2

(4) None of these


Answer : 3872 cm2

38. A sum of ` 8,500 is to be divided among 5 men, 6 women and 8 boys in the ratio of 10:7:1. The share of one woman will be:


(1) Rs 85

(2) Rs 385
(3) Rs 850

(4) Rs 595


Answer : Rs 595


39. The average weight of 8 persons is increased by 2.5 Kg. This happens when one of the eight who weighed 56 Kg is replaced by a new man. The new man weighs:


(1) 61 Kg.

(2) 70 Kg.
(3) 76 Kg.

(4) 80 Kg.


Answer : 76 Kg. 

40. If A = 26, SUN = 27 then CAT = ?


(1) 24

(2) 57
(3) 58

(4) None of these


Answer : 57

41. Anuraag is 40 m South-West of Vikram. Chiraag is 40 m South-East of Vikram, then Chiraag is in which direction of Anuraag?


(1) North–East

(2) South
(3) East

(4) South–East


Answer : East

42. In a certain code, BRAIN is written as ? % ÷ # × and TEAR is written as + $ ÷ % . How is NEAR written in that code?


(1) $ × # %

(2) ÷ + $ %
(3) × $ ÷ #

(4) × $ ÷ %


Answer : × $ ÷ %

43. Complete the following series.


3, __, 17, 24, 31, __, 45, __


(1) 10, 36, 50

(2) 10, 37, 56
(3) 10, 38, 52

(4) None of these


Answer : 10, 38, 52

44. How many times from 4 AM to 4 PM the hands of clock are at right angles?


(1) 24

(2) 20
(3) 22

(4) 18


Answer : 22 


45. Which of the following diagrams indicates the best relation between bakery, cake and biscuit?



   (1)                (2)              (3)                  (4)


Answer : Option 2
