The line chart is nothing but an upgraded version of a bar chart. It is formed by connecting the uppermost point of the bars so that we have a line. By repeating this following process, with other bars as well we will get a line chart. A line chart is normally used to visualize a data trend over the periods of time or to represent a time series drawn chronologically. The calculations can be tough but the main aim of the examiner is to check whether you can apply logic to eliminate options and evaluate the graph thereby getting the answer.

Data Interpretation

Line Graph-Exercise Questions

|   33215

I.Study the following line graph and answer the questions

Exports from Three Companies Over the Years (in Rs. Crore)

1. For which of the following pairs of years the total exports from the three Companies
    together are equal?

    a) 1995 and 1998          b) 1996 and 1998    c) 1997 and 1998     d)1995 and 1996


2. Average annual exports during the given period for Company Y is approximately what
    percent of the average annual exports for Company Z?

    a) 87.12%                      b) 89.64%                    c) 91.21%                    d)93.33%


3. In which year was the difference between the exports from Companies X and Y the

    a)1994   b)1995             c)1996             d)1999


4. What was the difference between the average exports of the three Companies in 1993
    and the average exports in 1998?

    a)Rs.15.33crores           b)Rs.18.67crores         c) Rs.20crores   d)Rs.22.17crores


5. In how many of the given years, were the exports from Company Z more than the
    average annual exports over the given years?

    a)2         b)3       c)4       d) 5


II. The following line chart shows the sale of hardware by the Indian computer Industry between the years 1991-96, within the country and outside in crores of rupees. Study the data given in the chart and answer the questions that follow :

1. What was the difference on sale of hardware between domestic and exports in 1993-

   a) Rs.1000 crores b) Rs.500 crores        c) Rs.1200 crores        d) Rs.700 crores         


2. In which of the following years was the percentage increase in sale of hardware in
   domestic sector maximum over the preceding years ?

   a) 1992-93          b) 1993-94       c) 1994-95       d) 1995-96


     3. What was the difference between the total hardware sale in exports sector in 1992-93
        and 1993-94 together and that of domestic sector in 1993-94?

  a) Rs.300 crores  b)Rs.200 crores           c) Rs.400 crores d) Rs.150 crores


4. Approximately what was the percentage increase in sale in domestic sector from 1994-
    95 to 1995-96?

   a)35                    b)25                 c)40                 d)20


5. What was the difference in the average sale between the domestic and export sectors?

    a) Rs.900 crores            b) Rs.1380 crores        c) 1560 crores d) Rs.600 crores


Answer & Explanations

I.1. Option D


       Total exports of the three Companies X, Y and Z together, during various years are:

       In 1993 = Rs. (30 + 80 + 60) crores = Rs. 170 crores.

       In 1994 = Rs. (60 + 40 + 90) crores = Rs. 190 crores

       In 1995 = Rs. (40 + 60 + 120) crores = Rs. 220 crores

       In 1996 = Rs. (70 + 60 + 90) crores = Rs. 220 crores.

       In 1997 = Rs. (100 + 80 + 60) crores = Rs. 240 crores.

       In 1998 = Rs. (50 + 100 + 80) crores = Rs. 230 crores.

       In 1999 = Rs. (120 + 140 + 100) crores = Rs. 360 crores.

       Clearly, the total exports of the three Companies X, Y and Z together are same during
       the years 1995 and 1996.

  2. Option: D


      From the graph it is clear that

      1.The amount of exports of Company X (in crore Rs.) in the years 1993, 1994, 1995,
         1996, 1997, 1998 and 1999 are 30, 60, 40, 70, 100, 50 and 120 respectively.

      2.The amount of exports of Company Y (in crore Rs.) in the years 1993, 1994, 1995,
        1996, 1997, 1998 and 1999 are 80, 40, 60, 60, 80, 100 and 140 respectively.

     3.The amount of exports of Company Z (in crore Rs.) in the years 1993, 1994, 1995,
       1996, 1997, 1998 and 1999 are 60, 90,, 120, 90, 60, 80 and 100 respectively.

     Average annual exports (in Rs.crore) of Company Y during the given period

     = 1/7  * (80 + 40 + 60 + 60 + 80 + 100 + 140) = 560/7  = 80

     Average annual exports (in Rs. crore) of Company Z during the given period

     1/7 * (60+90+120+60+80+100) = 600/7

     :. Required percentage 80/(600/7)*100 % = 93.33%.

 3. Option C


     The difference between the exports from the Companies X and Y during the various
     years are:

     In 1993 = Rs. (80 - 30) crores = Rs. 50 crores.

     In 1994 = Rs. (60 - 40) crores = Rs. 20 crores.

     In 1995 = Rs. (60 - 40) crores = Rs. 20 crores.

     In 1996 = Rs. (70 - 60) crores = Rs. 10 crores.

     In 1997 = Rs. (100 - 80) crores = Rs. 20 crores.

     In 1998 = Rs. (100 - 50) crores = Rs. 50 crores.

     In 1999 = Rs. (140 - 120) crores = Rs. 20 crores.

     Clearly, the difference is minimum in the year 1996.

4. Answer: Option C


    Average exports of the three Companies X, Y and Z in 1993 = (30+80+60)/3 = 170/3

    Average exports of the three Companies X, Y and Z in 1998 =(50+100+80)/3 = 230/3.

    Difference = (230-170)/3 = 60/3 = 20 crores

5. Option C

    Explanation: 1/7 *(60 + 90 + 120 + 90 + 60 + 80 + 100) = 600/7 =85.71 crores

    From the analysis of graph the exports of Company Z are more than the average
    annual exports of Company Z (i.e., Rs. 85.71 crores) during the years 1994, 1995,
    1996 and 1999, i.e., during 4 of the given years.


  II. 1. Answer (d)

  2. Answer (c)

  3. Answer (a)

  4. Answer (d)

  5. Answer (b)

The line chart is nothing but an upgraded version of a bar chart. It is formed by connecting the uppermost point of the bars so that we have a line. By repeating this following process, with other bars as well we will get a line chart. A line chart is normally used to visualize a data trend over the periods of time or to represent a time series drawn chronologically. The calculations can be tough but the main aim of the examiner is to check whether you can apply logic to eliminate options and evaluate the graph thereby getting the answer. Freshersworld provides students or job seekers with concept, solved questions on Line graph. Questions and answers with explanation on Line graph are also provided.