Statement and conclusion is a part of logical reasoning section. In this section, a statement will be given followed by a set of conclusions. The candidate needs to choose the conclusion that logically follows the statement the most. Sometimes the conclusions can be directly understood by reading the statement and sometimes the reader needs to analyse it to get the indirect conclusion. Sometimes any one of the conclusion may follow and sometimes all may follow. It may also happen that either one of them follow or none of them follow. It depends upon the reader’s perception power to analyse the statements to arrive at the right conclusion.

Logical Reasoning

Statements and Conclusions-Statements and Conclusions

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Statements and Conclusions  Aptitude basics, practice questions, answers and explanations 
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Statements and Conclusions: In these type of questions a statement is given followed by some conclusions. The student is required to go through the statements meticulously and then decide which of the given conclusion/s follows on its basis.

Statement: A statement is a formal account of certain facts, views, problems or situations expressed in words.

Conclusion: A conclusion is a belief or an opinion that is the result of reasoning out a given statement. It can also be defined as a proposition in an argument to which other propositions in the argument given support.

Keywords: Words, such as all, no, few, most, must, had to, will be, always, never, should be, may, may not etc, help in evaluating the given conclusions.

Statement:  ‘South-Asia will remain unaffected by global crisis’ – World Bank.
Conclusion:  Sri Lanka, a South – Asian country, may or may not face the problem caused by global crisis.

Eg 1:
Statement: Start to think of travelling by train for a holiday. A train journey can give one a better view of places on the way which an air journey cannot give.

Conclusions: I. While going for a holiday, people want to enjoy the view of the places on the way.
                     II. People should not travel by air when they are going for a holiday.

(1) if only conclusion I follows.

(2) if only conclusion II follows.

(3) if either I nor II follows.

(4) if neither I nor II follows.

(5) if both I and II follow

Ans: Choice (4)
Explanation: I is an assumption. II is a suggestion but not a conclusion. Hence, neither I nor II follows.


Exercise Questions

1. Statement: Vegetable prices are soaring in the market.

   Conclusions: I. Vegetables are becoming a rare commodity.
                        II. People cannot eat vegetables.

   (1) if only conclusion I follows.

   (2) if only conclusion II follows.

   (3) if either I nor II follows.

   (4) if neither I nor II follows.

   (5) if both I and II follow

Ans: Choice (4)
Explanation: The availability of vegetables is not mentioned in the given statement. So, I does not follow. Also, II is not   directly related to the statement and so it also does not follow.


2) Statement: All the organised persons find time for rest. Sunitha, inspite of her very busy schedule, finds time for rest.

    Conclusions: I. Sunita is an organised person.
                         II. Sunita is an industrious person.

    (1) if only conclusion I follows.

    (2) if only conclusion II follows.

    (3) if either I nor II follows.

    (4) if neither I nor II follows.

    (5) if both I and II follow

Ans: Choice (5)
Explanation: Sunita has a very busy schedule. This means that she is industrious. But still she finds time for rest. This means that she is an organised person. So, both I and II follow.


3) Statement: Death keeps no calendar.

   Conclusions: I. Man must die one day.
                        II. Death can come at any time.

   (1) if only conclusion I follows.

   (2) if only conclusion II follows.

   (3) if either I nor II follows.

   (4) if neither I nor II follows.

   (5) if both I and II follow

Ans: Choice (5)
Explanation: Both I and II directly follow from the statement.


4) Statement: The best way to escape from a problem is to solve it.

  Conclusions: I. Your life will be dull if you don’t face a problem.
                       II. To escape from problems, you should have some solutions with you.

   (1) if only conclusion I follows.

   (2) if only conclusion II follows.

   (3) if either I nor II follows.

   (4) if neither I nor II follows.

   (5) if both I and II follow

Ans: Choice (4).
Explanation: Clearly both I and II do not follow from the  given statement.

Statement and conclusion is a part of logical reasoning section. In this section, a statement will be given followed by a set of conclusions. The candidate needs to choose the conclusion that logically follows the statement the most. Sometimes the conclusions can be directly understood by reading the statement and sometimes the reader needs to analyse it to get the indirect conclusion. Sometimes any one of the conclusion may follow and sometimes all may follow. It may also happen that either one of them follow or none of them follow. It depends upon the reader’s perception power to analyse the statements to arrive at the right conclusion. Freshersworld provides students or job seekers with questions and answers with explanation which will help candidates get a job. Statement and conclusion question come in all type of competitive exams like railways, SBI PO, Bank po.