Verbal Ability

Fill in the blanks-Fill in the blanks

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Sentence CompletionQuestions are designed to test not only the reading skills of the student but comprehension abilities, vocabulary and logical reasoning.Such questions consists of one ,two or more blanks to be filled in by words or phrases which are the best choice among those given.Sentence completion questions should be approached in a systematic manner to get the right answer.

Test of reading skills : First read the question from beginign to the end. Try to understan the tone of the sentence ,whether positive or negative, descriptive ,active or passive. Test of comprehension abilities : Once you have read the sentence you can comprehend the meaning and thus guess at the missing word's. Here again special effort has to taken to ensure that the tense is taken into account. The Degree (positive,comparative&superlative) has to be correct .THe gender has to right too!! Test of vocabulary : once you get the hint of the word's which could fit in, you can begin to read the choices. Here the most important thing is the tone of the sentence .
1. she ........................delicatley
2.He .......................loudly in amusement.
laughed /Guffamed
Here the abviously the word laughed will fit in the first sentence while guffamed is the better choice for the second sentence.

Let us look at another example....
Mr.john,a biologist,spen three seasons in the antartic and returned with clear perceptions of that ........... and uninhabitable place.
1)arid 2)deserted 3)rere )nomadic
you are looking at a word which goes well with uninhabitable though deserted fits, but it means left alone.Arid means dry,nomadic cannot fit.Thus the best choice would be rere, even if you do not know the meaning of the word.

Test of Logical reasoning- as you go through the choices you can guess in on word which fits best logically. Here, all the above skills are tested and only one word will fit all paramaters.
The .................................. atmospere was shattered when news of the grandparents illness reached them.
1)desperate 2)innocent 3)convival 4)dilligent
you can see here that the atmosphere has to be happy ,full of celebration , the convival fits best here