The direction questions are one of the most repeated questions in all the competitive exams. The candidates are recommended to attempt these questions effectively as they are scoring and easily-solvable. We all know that there are four main directions – East, West, North and South. Also, we are well aware of the four cardinal directions – South East, South West, North East, and North West. Candidates will use all these eight directions to solve direction reasoning problems.

Logical Reasoning

Direction and Senses-Direction and senses - Keynotes

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Direction and Senses Aptitude basics, practice questions, answers and explanations 
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Direction Senses

There are four main directions - East, West, North and South as shown below:

There are four cardinal directions - North-East (N-E),North-West (N-W),South-East (S-E),and South-West (S-W) as shown below:

1. At the time of sunrise if a man stands facing the east, his shadow will be towards west.
2. At the time of sunset the shadow of an object is always in the east.
3. If a man stands facing the North, at the time of sunrise his shadow will be towards his left and at the time of sunset it will be towards his right.
4. At 12:00 noon, the rays of the sun are vertically downward hence there will be no shadow.

In these questions, we will see persons or things moving in E, W, N, S directions from an initial point. We have to plot the diagram for their movements and give the appropriate

Solutions to the given questions.

Tips 2 solve:

1) Plot the diagram of traverse path with respect to the 4 directions E, W, N and S in a diagrammatic presentation

2) Find the distance from one node to another place, if necessary.

3) Now solve the question by carefully observing the diagrammatic presentation.


Example: 1) A man walks 5 km east and turns left, then he walks 7 km and turns right and walks 3 km, then turns right and walks 7 km. Find the shortest distance he traveled and find the direction he is now from the starting point?

Solution: Diagrammatic representation of the given data:

The shortest distance, he is from the starting point = 5 km + 3 km = 8 km.
The direction he is from the starting point = East.

2) A car travels 2.5 km towards south, then turns left and travels 7.5 km and then turns left and travels 15 km and then turns left and travels 7.5 km. Then find the distance and direction of the with respect to the starting point?
Solution: Diagram: prob1
The final position of the car in north direction with respect to the starting point.
The distance from the starting point, from the diagram = 15 km - 2.5 km = 12.5 km

The direction questions are one of the most repeated questions in all the competitive exams. The candidates are recommended to attempt these questions effectively as they are scoring and easily-solvable. We all know that there are four main directions – East, West, North and South. Also, we are well aware of the four cardinal directions – South East, South West, North East, and North West. Candidates will use all these eight directions to solve direction reasoning problems. Freshersworld provides students or job seekers with questions and answers on Directions and senses. It also provides short tricks to solve questions on Directions and senses with examples.