Logical Reasoning

Course of Action-Course of Action

|   9505

Course of Action  Aptitude basics, practice questions, answers and explanations 
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Statement: A format account of facts, views, problems or situations expressed in words. 
Course of Action: A Practical and feasible action, administrative or otherwise, which solves a problem or alleviates a given condition or improves the situation. 

These questions require:
(1) A clear and unbiased understanding of the given statement.
(2) Identification of the problem within the statement. 

Technique to answer the question:
Problem – Solution 
We accept a course of action,
(i) if it solves the problem contained in the statement.
(ii) if it is practical. 

Effectiveness of a course of action: 
A suggested course of action can be accepted if it is an accepted fact or an indication from past experience or a logical measure. 
(a) If the suggested course of action is an established fact.
(b) If the suggested course of action is an indication based on past experiences.
(c) If the suggested course of action logically follows. 

Points to remember: 
A.A negative course of action should not be taken.
B.The given solution should be practical.
C.A solution which brings in benefits or solves the problem after an inordinate delay should be avoided.
D.The course of action should pertain directly to the problem.
E.The course of action proposed should independently be able to solve a problem and it should not be contingent to some other ‘to’ conditions being met.
F.It should not result in another problem. 

Exercise Questions:

1.Statement: A large number of people in ward X of the city are diagnosed to be suffering from a fatal malaria type.
Courses of Action:I. The city municipal authority should take immediate steps to carry out extensive fumigation in ward X.
           II. The people in the area should be advised to take steps to avoid mosquito bites.

A.Only I follows
B.Only II follows
C.Either I or II follows
D.Neither I nor II follows
E.Both I and II follow (Answer)
Explanation: Clearly, prevention from mosquitoes and elimination of mosquitoes are two ways to prevent malaria. So, both the courses follow.

2. Statement: Severe drought is reported to have set in several parts of the country.
Courses of Action: I. Government should immediately make arrangement for providing financial assistance to those affected.
                               II. Food, water and fodder should immediately be sent to all these areas to save  the  people and cattle.

A.Only I follows
B.Only II follows (Answer)
C.Either I or II follows
D.Neither I nor II follows
E.Both I and II follow
Explanation: In the break-out of a natural calamity, the basic duty of the government becomes to provide the basic amenities essential to save the lives of people and cattle. Providing financial assistance to all would put undue burden on the country's resources. So, only II follows.

3. Statement: Since its launching in 1881, Vayudoot has so far accumulated losses amounting to Rs 153 crore.
Courses of Action:I. Vayudoot should be directed to reduce wasteful expenditure and to increase passenger fare.
                              II. An amount of about Rs 300 crore should be provided to Vayudoot to make the airliner economically viable.

A.Only I follows (Answer)
B.Only II follows
C.Either I or II follows
D.Neither I nor II follows
E.Both I and II follow
Explanation: Clearly, for better economic gain, losses should be reduced and income increased. So, only course I follows.
