Blood relations is an important section in logical reasoning topic. The questions related to blood relations involve various family members and their relations. The questions provide some information related to the different members of the family and the candidates are required to identify the relationship between those particular members.

Logical Reasoning

Blood Relation-Blood Relation

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Blood Relation Aptitude basics, practice questions, answers and explanations 
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Blood Relation

In blood relations, we should know the relation between two persons by using the information given to you.


1) Mother’s or Father’s father

Grandfather(Maternal grandfather/Paternal grandfather).

2) Mother’s or Father’s mother

Grandmother(Maternal grandmother/Paternal grandmother)

3) Mother’s or Father’s brother


4)Mother’s or Father’s Sister


5) Wife’s father or husband’s father


6) Wife’s mother or husband’s mother 


7)Son’s wife daughter-in-law
8)Daughter’s husband son-in-law
9) Husband’s or wife’s brother brother-in-law
10) Husband’s or wife’s sister sister-in-law
11) Brother’s or sister’s son nephew
12) Brother’s or sister’s daughter niece
13) Uncle’s or Aunt’s son or daughter cousin or first cousin
14) Son or daughter of the first cousin  second cousin



Some more tips:

Grand father's (daughter-in-law) = Mother

Father's son = Brother

Father's daughter = Sister

Grand father's son = Father / Uncle

Grand father's only son(Same in the Case of Grand mother) = Father


Some of the notations of the Diagrammatic representation of family relations

1. When M is male

2. When N is female

3. When M, N are husband and wife

4. When, P, Q are siblings 

5. When A has only child B

6. When A has two children B, C

7. L uncle is uncle or aunt of M

Approach to Draw the family relations diagram

1) Identify the persons who are in the given information.
2) Identify who are male and who are female.
3) Determine the generations of family.
4) Identify the positions and generation of the family members and draw the diagram with relationships among family members using notations.
5) Once the diagram is filled you can Solution the given question.


1) Pointing to a man, a lady told his father is her mother’s uncle. How it’s the man related to the lady?
Solution: Mother’s Uncle = Grand father
Grand father’s son = Uncle
The man is uncle to the lady.
Family Tree

2) X, Y are brother and sister. C, D are wife and husband, X is son of C. F is sister of D. How is Y related to F?
Solution : Y is daughter of D. Since F is sister of D, Y is niece of F.
Family Tree


Blood relations is an important section in logical reasoning topic. The questions related to blood relations involve various family members and their relations. The questions provide some information related to the different members of the family and the candidates are required to identify the relationship between those particular members. Freshersworld provides students or job seekers with the tricks to solve the problems related to Blood relations in logical reasoning. Blood relation questions and answers for placements, bank po and competitive exams are also provided which would help candidates in getting jobs easily.